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Here are a few videos that may be helpful as you promote Stand Sunday or ministry efforts to vulnerable children and families. 

The Stand Sunday
Origin Story

Birthed in Brownwood, Texas, Stand Sunday has radically changed Brown County, Texas and can change your county too. 

Sound of Hope: Story of Possum Trot TRAILER

Released July 4, 2024, this film tells the story of one East Texas church who obeyed the call to care for orphans in their distress. Contact to schedule a screening at your church. 

Stand Sunday+Orphan Sunday

This video celebrates 20 years of standing for orphans and vulnerable children world-wide. 


Bishop Aaron Blake and his wife Mary engrafted 6 teenage boys from foster care into their family just shortly after empty-nesting. They always told the boys that they were engrafted into the family, but this is the story of what it took for them to understand what that really meant. Featuring interviews with Bishop Aaron Blake and Diego Fuller. Also features the song "Engrafted" by Diego Fuller.

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